VIDEO REVOLUTION: Trends That Will Dominate

VIDEO REVOLUTION: Trends That Will Dominate

The Future of Video: Innovations and Predictions for 2024

VIDEO REVOLUTION: Trends That Will Dominate

The Future of Video: Innovations and Predictions for 2024

You're about to tap into the most powerful marketing trend of the moment, with 42% of marketers reporting that branded challenges have performed better than expected, and 30% of those not currently using short-form videos planning to start in 2024. Short-form video, typically under 60 seconds, is dominating content strategies, with popular platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts leading the way. Influencer and user-generated content, behind-the-brand storytelling, and educational videos are also driving brand success. As you explore the video revolution, you'll uncover the secrets to maximizing engagement, ROI, and growth - and discover what's next for your brand.

Short-Form Video Overview

What constitutes a short-form video, and how are marketers leveraging this format to capture audience attention?

Short-form videos are typically under 60 seconds, with the ideal length between 31 and 60 seconds. However, the definition of short-form can vary depending on the platform.

Marketers are leveraging this format to create engaging content that resonates with their audience. Brand challenges are a growing trend, with 20% of marketers surveyed leveraging branded challenges. These challenges are often fun and accessible, making them go viral.

Video Strategy and Planning

As you develop your short-form video strategy, it's essential to prioritize planning, given that short-form video is the top leveraged media format in marketers' content strategies. To create an effective strategy, consider your target audience, content goals, and the platforms you'll use.


Optimal Video Length

Target Audience


15-60 seconds

Gen Z, Millennials

Instagram Reels

30-60 seconds

Broader age demographic

YouTube Shorts

60 seconds

2.3 billion monthly active users


60 seconds

Musical artists, Gen Z

Hippo Video


Beyond social media

Popular Video Platforms

You'll want to choose the platforms that align with your target audience, and luckily, there are several popular options for short-form video marketing.

TikTok is a top choice, with 56% of marketers already using it. Instagram Reels is another popular platform, with 25% of marketers planning to invest more in it. YouTube Shorts is also growing, with brands leveraging its 60-second video limit.

Furthermore, LinkedIn and Pinterest are expanding their short-form offerings. Triller, a music-focused platform, is popular among musical artists and can be a great option for brands that want to use music as a storytelling element.

Hippo Video, a video marketing platform, allows brands to produce, distribute, and analyze their video content. Each platform has its unique features and benefits, so it's essential to choose the ones that best fit your brand's needs.

Additional Video Trends

Influencer ads are gaining traction, with a whopping 88% of companies using influencer marketing reporting it to be an effective strategy.

You can also leverage product teasers to promote products organically on short-form video platforms, building anticipation around new products or services.

AI is influencing short-form video creation, with tools like TikTok's Creative Assistant available.

When creating short-form videos, consider your audience and prep before shooting.

Furthermore, you can use educational content to help audiences in their day-to-day lives, improving lead generation and building stronger brand loyalty.

With the right strategies, you can capitalize on the video revolution and take your brand to the next level.

Influencer and UGC Content

Influencers and user-generated content play a significant role in fueling the video revolution and driving brand success.

You're likely aware that influencer ads are becoming more popular, with 88% of companies using influencer marketing saying it's effective.

User-generated content (UGC) is also a winning strategy, as 92% of marketers say it increases brand awareness and offers great ROI.

Gen Z, the biggest demographic on TikTok, is particularly drawn to UGC.

By leveraging influencers and UGC, you can create authentic and relatable content that resonates with your audience.

This collaborative approach allows you to tap into the creativity of content producers and create viral-worthy videos that evoke emotion and drive engagement.

Behind-the-Brand Storytelling

As consumers increasingly seek authenticity and transparency in brands, behind-the-brand storytelling emerges as a powerful way to humanize your brand and build a deeper connection with your audience. By sharing the stories behind your brand, you can create a sense of relatability and trust with your customers.

This type of storytelling can be especially effective in short-form videos, where concise and engaging content is key.

CEO testimonials: Share your CEO's personal story and vision to create a sense of authenticity.

Employee spotlights: Highlight your employees' passions and contributions to showcase your brand's human side.

Brand history: Share the story of how your brand came to be, highlighting milestones and challenges overcome.

Behind-the-scenes content: Give your audience a sneak peek into your brand's daily operations, showcasing the people and processes that make it tick.

Educational Video Content

You can create educational videos that cater to users at different stages of the buyer's journey, from awareness to decision-making, by producing content that informs, educates, and entertains. Educational videos are great added-value content because they help audiences in their day-to-day lives. Explainer videos target users who are at the decision-making stage of the buyer's journey. By incorporating educational content into your video strategy, you can improve lead generation and build stronger brand loyalty.

Type of Educational Video



Explainer Videos

Explain complex products or services

Simplify complex information, increase understanding

How-to Videos

Provide step-by-step instructions

Increase engagement, build trust

Product Demos

Showcase product features and benefits

Increase conversions, build confidence

Industry Insights

Share industry knowledge and trends

Establish thought leadership, build credibility

Q&A Videos

Answer frequently asked questions

Increase engagement, provide clarity

Video Creation Tools and Resources

How can you streamline your video creation process with the right tools and resources, saving time and effort while producing high-quality content that resonates with your audience?

With the abundance of video creation tools and resources available, it's essential to choose the ones that fit your needs.

Magisto: A video editing software that uses AI to make video marketing easy.

Hippo Video: A platform that allows you to produce, distribute, and analyze your video content.

InShot: A video editing app that offers advanced features like multi-track audio and color adjustment.

Adobe Premiere Rush: A user-friendly video editing software that allows you to create professional-looking videos quickly.

Short-Form Video ROI and Growth

Short-form video is a top leveraged media format in marketers' content strategies.

Marketers are now seeing a significant return on investment from their short-form video strategies, with 42% of them reporting that branded challenges have performed better than expected.

In fact, short-form video has the highest ROI of any social media marketing strategy in 2024.

As a result, 25% of marketers plan to invest more in short-form video in 2024, and 30% of those who aren't currently using short-form videos plan to start.

With the growth of social media, leveraging the power of short-form content will give you a leg up on your competition.

It's time to weigh your audience and prep for your short-form videos before shooting.

Maximizing Video Engagement

To maximize video engagement, focus on creating content that resonates with your target audience and encourages them to interact with your brand. You want to craft videos that spark conversations, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression.

Keep it concise: Short-form videos are more engaging, so keep your videos under 60 seconds.

Use attention-grabbing thumbnails: Craft eye-catching thumbnails that make viewers curious about your content.

Add captions and subtitles: Make your videos more accessible and increase engagement by adding captions and subtitles.

Encourage interactions: End your videos with a call-to-action, asking viewers to like, comment, or share their thoughts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Measure the Success of My Short-Form Video Campaign?

To measure the success of your short-form video campaign, track engagement metrics like views, likes, comments, and shares, and analyze click-through rates, conversion rates, and ROI to determine if you're meeting your marketing goals.

Can I Repurpose Long-Form Video Content for Short-Form Platforms?

You can repurpose long-form video content for short-form platforms by condensing key messages, focusing on engaging visuals, and editing for brevity, ensuring your content remains impactful and attention-grabbing in shorter formats.

What Is the Ideal Frequency for Posting Short-Form Videos?

When deciding on the ideal frequency for posting short-form videos, you should consider your audience's preferences and the platform's algorithms. Posting 3-5 times a week can help maintain engagement, but don't sacrifice quality for quantity.

How Do I Ensure Brand Consistency Across Different Video Platforms?

To guarantee brand consistency across different video platforms, you'll want to define a unified visual identity, tone, and messaging. Establish a style guide, use consistent branding elements, and tailor your content to each platform's unique audience and format.

Can I Use Short-Form Videos for B2B Marketing and Sales?

You can definitely use short-form videos for B2B marketing and sales! They're perfect for showcasing products, explaining complex concepts, and building brand awareness, especially on platforms like LinkedIn and YouTube Shorts.