
2022 Website Maintenance Pricing: How Much Should You Pay?

Find out what the average website maintenance price is in 2022, and how much you should budget for it.

2022 Website Maintenance Pricing: How Much Should You Pay?

Find out what the average website maintenance price is in 2022, and how much you should budget for it.

Nearly 65% of people start their research on the web, which means your site is a vital step in the purchase. This is the reason for website maintenance and understanding maintenance cost. The industry has spent $3 billion to $2 billion in maintenance over the last two years.

What's included in website maintenance services?

Website maintenance is the practice of updating your website when necessary. It consists of monitoring daily to weekly, removing virus and malware, installing software updates (such as typefaces), adding features like social share buttons, changing call-to-action buttons, fixing broken links on pages and increasing speed load times.

CMS (content management system) patches and updates

Most likely your site is running an online CMS such as WordPress or a website builder. It allows for importing and storing content with ease. Fortunately, as helpful as a CMS is, it also presents weaknesses. The main software developers are quick in updating the system but this won't make any sense when the updates are late. A new survey shows that 56% of hacked sites use outdated versions of CMS when infected. Site maintenance keeps you from joining such sites. A new set of updates are added every day. Sometimes businesses use their own CMS. This is an absolute non-restrictive price on development.

Give your site an edge

Proper maintenance is essential for every website. The CMS engine changes with time. There are new security updates that are helpful in fixing vulnerabilities on the system. New engines have added features that provide automated backups, enhanced user experience and better performance speed. When properly maintained, it will make sure your users stay with you. Ensure that you do proper website maintenance services to give your site an edge.

A new survey shows that 56% of hacked sites use outdated versions of CMS when infected.Nerd Stack

Continued development

Your maintenance program may also encompass website creation and designing. Several packages contain a set number of development hours. Others offer pay-per-hour options. Continual development is a process which includes coding changes and functional enhancements. The latest technologies and design trends are crucial to provide a pleasant and user-friendly website. If you choose to, you can change the entire look of your website in accordance with the latest design trends. You'll also be able to provide better mobile viewing capability.

Adding new functionality is important

When it comes to adding new features, some small businesses tend to forget how important they are when marketing for their business. There are always new features that pop up in the industry. New social media platforms are constantly being created, and small business owners need to be able to utilize them properly. For example, if you have a website which requires access from mobile devices, new capabilities will be needed for newer technologies.

Bug fixing is tantamount

If your maintenance plan does not include bug fixing, then you better hire someone to do it for you. This is the only way to ensure that your website runs smoothly and does not cause any trouble for users. All bugs should be fixed as soon as possible after they are detected. When customers encounter a bug-ridden site, they will immediately become frustrated because these problems can sometimes make the site unusable. Their only option is to leave the page and never return.

Site backup

Site backup is an important website maintenance service. It is vitally important to back up your website because you never know when something might happen to it. For example, your website could be hacked or server issues could arise. Also, good site backups are good for security reasons. I would recommend that every website owner do weekly website backups on their website hosting provider's website. They should also have a backup on another website, such as Dropbox or Amazon S3, too.

You do not want to get into the habit of only doing backups "when something goes wrong." While that is fine when you are dealing with a crashed web server or hacked site, it's important to do regular backups because they're good for your website's security and web health.

You can usually choose how often you back up your site with most good hosting providers, but they usually do it automatically for you. Some services like Site Backup allows you to backup your entire site or individual pages, and also lets you backup more than one site at a time. You can even schedule backups, choose how many backups to keep, and download them. It's probably one of the most useful website maintenance services you could ever get if your hosting provider doesn't offer it already.

piggy bank

Search engine optimization

Search Engine Optimization is the process that makes your site more attractive. SEO is technical. This enables search engines to crawl websites faster. SEO also includes other non-technical activities like SEO services for about a couple hundred are cheaper than most. Those companies with an annual spending of more than $600 on SEO have 73.6% of the total satisfaction rate. This service is a must for all sites.

You can't have a successful website without SEO because Google and other search engines will simply ignore your site or show it in results pages for an extremely low rank. If you want to earn money from your website, this is especially important. SEO Services are broken into three types: On-Site, Off-Site, and Technical SEO.

Off-site optimization

Off-site optimization includes link building, social media marketing, press releases, and blogging services. They can either be a part of the website or external to the site.

On-site optimization

On-site optimization is focused on changing your content so that search engines can see what you have to offer more easily. This means that your pages are rich in keywords, that your content is easily readable for both people and search engines, using semantic markup when appropriate.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves the website code. This includes things like making sure that websites are accessible to crawlers, ensuring they can be crawled efficiently, preventing duplicate content issues, fixing structured data errors, ensuring proper indexing, organizing site architecture so that pages are easy to navigate, indexing sitemaps, using robots.txt files correctly, making sure the code structure is clean and fast loading.

Security scans

Do not wait till there is an incident to fix the problem. A website management plan must contain regular security checks. There are some applications for free. Paying companies are able to look into more vulnerabilities, find more vulnerabilities, and provide better assistance when something happens.

User Account Creation

Do not use the same email and password for all of your website accounts. Every user account (e.g., customer logins, designers' logins) should have a unique address and its own password. If one is hacked, they will not be able to access everything on your site. Additionally, passwords need to be updated frequently and should never include the following: names, addresses, phone numbers, location, birthdays. While it may be helpful to use a password manager when creating and updating website accounts, try not to use all of the same details when you do so.

Server Security Updates

These help keep your website protected from hackers. The best practice is to install security updates as soon as they are released. For example, if someone discovers a new security vulnerability, your server may need an emergency security update within hours. If you do not install the latest updates promptly your site will be at risk of attack and/or infection.

Security Scans for New Additions

It is also a good idea to monitor what new code is added to the website and run additional security scans on it. Security should not be forgotten about. A good program will be able to detect when new applications are installed, but it may not always be obvious what they are doing. That is why additional scans are necessary every time a developer uploads something new.

Infrastructure Health Monitoring

Servers can break or malfunction in other ways that result in downtime if you are not careful. For example, if you have set up an email server, it can break if not configured properly. A good website management program will monitor the status of your infrastructure in order to prevent this from happening.

Data Backups

Back your data up often after updating or adding any new code-- just in case there are problems with the way it is written that you did not notice. Back up the website's files to the cloud storage every day since it offers better protection, easier access, and reduces risk of damage or loss. You can enable daily backups in WP-Engine which is one of the best website management services available on the market . It also offers automated updates for WordPress core files.

DNS changes

When you make changes to your DNS or any part of your site, the best practice is to wait for at least two weeks. This allows time for users who may still have older, cached DNS entries on their computers. If you change it all at once, some people might not be able to find your website until their cache expires. An average site can gain or lose half its traffic in 2 weeks.

Version Control

You should make changes on a separate new branch. This allows you to go back to the old code if there is an issue with one of the updates. You can do this with WP-Engine which will let you launch the site while updating it at the same time.

WordPress Security

Be sure to add a WordPress firewall, .htaccess protection and limit login attempts on your server. These can be used in any plans offered by WP-Engine . It contains the best technology available for security and performance. You can also install malware and spam scanning on your website with this company along with domain level caching.

Analytics and reporting

It is possible that your website will be monitored by an Internet maintenance firm that will monitor your site but you want the information. Some services provide monthly web analytics reports which help in developing strategies and helps optimize a marketing campaign. These reports contain information and metrics related to key performance indicators (KPI) like:

These reports help you compare your current statistics with those previous months. It enables businesses to understand the improvement or decline in different areas. The analytics reports are also very helpful when you want to know where your website needs to be improved.

PPC advertising

Professional Internet maintenance firms also help run ad campaign on PPC platforms like Bing, Google Adwords, etc. These ads are placed alongside search results and enable companies to improve visibility. The ad campaign can improve the flow of traffic to your website and enable conversions as well.

HTTP requests and Emails

The Internet maintenance firm will be responsible for managing ftp requests, email distribution and spams. This enables you to improve the speed of your website and also enables businesses to focus on their core areas. The professionals can also help with complying to spam regulations.

One other aspect that should be looked into is the process of adding or updating new pages on the website. Some maintenance services have a team dedicated to this task. There are also companies that integrate content management systems (CMS) with your website and help manage it from there.

How much does website maintenance cost??

The cost of website maintenance services are determined by a number of different factors such as:

Some professional internet maintenance firms offer packages which charge a flat monthly fee no matter what is required that month. Others charge per hour or per project or task, and there's even some that prefer to be paid on an annual basis so they can manage your site all year round. Research is important when choosing this service because there are many options out there and it's best to find one that suits the specific needs of the company in question.

There are many factors that should be taken into consideration when choosing a provider. You want to know how much it will cost, but you'll also need to consider the quality of service offered by your Internet maintenance company. Many companies take pride in their work and strive for excellence-it's all about finding the right fit!

Professional Internet maintenance companies are more than willing to put their prices on the table. It's important for business owners to do their own research and comparison shop around before settling on any one company. Websites aren't just marketing tools anymore-they're also how customers find your products, services and communicate with you. Take time out to consider all aspects of website maintenance services and ensure that you're getting the best value for your money . Keep in mind that you can't put a price tag on the data entered into your website . It's imperative to keep it safe at all times.

Website maintenance costs

What are the website maintenance costs? The price depends on the size and scope of your site, as well as which services you need. Most companies will charge a flat monthly fee for hosting your site, but some prefer an annual rate so they can take care of it all year long. No matter what the case, it's vital to shop around and compare prices before deciding on a company. Websites aren't just marketing tools any more; they're also how customers find your products and services. Make sure you choose the service that best suits your specific needs.

Personal and professional blogs

Personal and professional blogs usually need to be updated every day or two, and will need some basic maintenance such as deleting spam comments, linking pages internally, making sure website code is up to date.

Personal website blog

For small personal blogs (say 10 photos), the webmaster needs about 2 hours of time each week for more detailed maintenance such as web design work.

A cost of $200 - $220 per month for a basic blog might seem like a lot, but it's important to compare this with what you're paying for hosting and domain name registration and see if it's worth it to spend that little bit of money on upkeep.

This is an easy site to maintain and doesn't require much work. It may be a good option for you if you've got a spare 2 hours per week, but probably not worth it for those with less time to spend on their website.

Professional bloggers

For professional bloggers who provide specialized content, you'll need to invest more time into the site as it will require more maintenance.

A blogging site built on WordPress with about 10,000 words of content might cost around $120 - $140 per month for basic upkeep, but if you want to make sure that your website stays safe it's best to pay a little bit extra-about $180 - 200 for the top package.

For professional bloggers who provide specialized content, you'll need to invest more time into the site as it will require more maintenance.

A blogging site built on WordPress with about 10,000 words of content might cost around $120 - $140 per month for basic upkeep, but if you want to make sure that your website stays safe it's best to pay a little bit extra-about $180 - 200 for the top package.

Professional websites and small business sites

These will need to be updated monthly, and more if you provide an eCommerce platform or special membership site where users can pay for access.

Small business website

For a small professional website of about 30 pages with optional eCommerce that receives between 3,000 - 5,000 page views per month (with about 10% of visits resulting in product sales), create a maintenance plan that will cost $360 - $400 per month.

For an up-to-date website with 20 or more pages and at least 150 posts, using something like Joomla might cost you anywhere from $420 - $500 per month for basic maintenance.

A website with a large social media following may need much more expensive upkeep. If you're hosting video, text articles and images on a daily basis, you could be looking at anything from around $700 - $900 per month in fees, to keep it running smoothly and attract new visitors!

The more images and videos you host on your site, the more it's going to cost to keep those pages up-to-date.

If you're running a business featuring paid products or services you'll want to look into how much it will cost to make sure that everything is kept safe and working properly around the clock.

For websites with large databases that receive a lot of traffic, you'll need to pay a lot more.

A website featuring products with an inventory of about 50 items with around 25 blog posts per month might cost as much as $400 - $500 per month for maintenance fees.

If your site has professional virtual assistants and gets at least 20,000 page views and 50,000 visits per month, you could be looking at a cost of around $1,200 - $1,500.

For websites with large databases that receive a lot of traffic, you'll need to pay a lot more.

A website featuring products with an inventory of about 50 items with around 25 blog posts per month might cost as much as $400 - $500 per month for maintenance fees.

If your site has professional virtual assistants and gets at least 20,000 page views and 50,000 visits per month, you could be looking at a cost of around $1,200 - $1,500.

Small eCommerce websites

This type of website will need some additional work on top of just offering general maintenance.

The more products you have, the longer it's going to take and therefore the more you'll need to pay.

A website offering 100 products with an average of 10 blog posts per month (with about 30% of page views resulting in product sales) might cost around $420 - $500 per month for basic upkeep and $500 - $600 with the addition of eCommerce.

Adding a membership site to your website will need additional work and will require paying more.

A small business website featuring an online community, 30 articles, 60 images and around 5 videos per month (with about 10% of page views resulting in product sales) will cost around $700 - $900 per month.

A large social media following will require additional work from your virtual assistants and therefore should be priced accordingly.

If you have over one million followers, pricing could start at around $1,500 per month.

Website marketing

There are a wide variety of factors to consider when coming up with the value of your next website marketing package.

Traffic, age and size all have an extensive impact on what you'll need to pay out every month-and that's not even including whatever fee you might pay to acquire leads or attract visitors!

If you're lucky enough to already have a lot of traffic ready to go, it might cost you about $1,000 - $1,500 per month to maintain that lead flow.

For a website with around 2,000 posts or articles and 50-plus pages receiving at least 10,000 visits per month (with about 5% of visitors becoming subscribers), it might cost around $700 - $900 per month.

If your social media following is over 500k, it could be anywhere from $1,500 - $2,000 per month or more.

This also depends on the quality of coverage you're looking for-a well-rounded approach posted by virtual assistants might cost as much as $1,200 - $1,500 per month.

WordPress and other CMS websites

These types of sites typically cost a little less than the average market rate. However, this will require additional work for your web team if you're able to get them at an even better discount!

Basic upkeep for a website with around 10 posts per month receiving 1,000 - 3,000 visits might cost around $250 - $400 per month.

If your website's blog has around 25 posts receiving at least 20,000 page views and 50,000 visits per month, it might cost as much as $700 - $900 per month to have that covered by a virtual assistant.

A membership site with an average of 10 new articles or posts per month and an average of 50 visitors on at least 5 posts per week would cost around $420 - $500 per year.

How often should a website have maintenance?

Maintaining your website is important-you need to make sure that you're not overpaying for your website upkeep or neglecting it entirely! Here are some things you should keep in mind when deciding how often you need maintenance.

You should definitely have a website maintenance plan in place. This will ensure that your website is always up and running, and that you're not overspending on unnecessary services.

How often you need maintenance depends on a few different factors, including the size of your website, the amount of traffic it receives, and the type of content you have. Generally speaking, though, you'll want to have your site checked at least once a month.

If you have a lot of content or your website receives a lot of traffic, you might need maintenance more often. You also might need to make sure that your site is up and running after making updates or changes. Remember-you don't want your attempts at improving your business to be hampered by something as simple as a broken website!

If your website doesn't get much traffic, you likely won't need maintenance too often. That said, you might get away with having your site checked out every couple of months or so.

What happens if I don't maintain my website?

Website maintenance is one of the most important aspects of your business. It's crucial to get this right so you can continue growing and improving your website for years! There are lots of different things that go into deciding on what kind of plan would be best-the size, traffic levels, type or content all play a major role in how much it'll cost to maintain each month. It also depends on whether you're looking for an affordable option (like WordPress) or need something more robust like custom CMS software; both options come with their own advantages if executed correctly by skilled staff members who know exactly what they're doing. Keeping up with updates will help improve SEO rankings too! Remember though: If there weren't any monthly efforts put forth maintaining the site, your traffic might quickly decline.

You'll also have to replace your website entirely if it's not being maintained. If you can't access the files on your old site anymore, you won't be able to update anything without replacing the entire thing. You definitely don't want to do that because of all the money and time you've already invested in building a brand online . That's why you should always have a website maintenance plan in place.

Should I have my website maintained by the same company that built it?

Not necessarily. Many companies are just too busy to maintain websites for their clients, or they have had one too many clients leave them because of poor customer service. You may find that a better option is simply to hire someone more affordable to maintain your website on an ongoing basis.

You'll have to ask a lot of questions about the company that built your website before you give them control over its maintenance. You'll need to find out how often they update their clients' websites, and if there's a fee involved with changing things yourself. Make sure that they're not going to charge you anytime you want to make a change. For example, if they have a maintenance plan that only allows you to make updates once a month, you should leave it because it'll be too difficult.

Website maintenance is an important part of owning a website. You need to have a plan in place to ensure that your website is always running smoothly. This includes making sure that you're not overpaying for your website upkeep or neglecting it entirely!

The cost of website maintenance varies depending on a few different factors, including the size of your website, the amount of traffic it receives, and the type of content you have. Generally speaking, though, you'll want to have your site checked at least once a month.

If you have a lot of content or your website receives a lot of traffic, you might need maintenance more often. You also might need to make sure that your site is up and running after making updates or changes. Remember-you don't want your attempts at improving your business to be hampered by something as simple as a broken website!

What data do I need to provide my website maintenance company?

It's important for you to know what you're paying for when it comes to your website upkeep. You'll want to have a list of all the things your company is responsible for. This way, there won't be any confusion about what exactly they're doing to your website and why. Make sure that you're providing all the following:

All the images on your website, including those in slideshows or popups

You should also make sure that your website maintenance plan is mobile responsive, as well as up to date with the latest technology. The last thing you want is for an outdated site to bring down your business by losing customers who expect a newer experience from you.

What are some mistakes I should avoid when it comes to my website maintenance?

It's important to avoid the following mistakes when it comes to your website maintenance.

Delaying updates :

If you're waiting months at a time to update anything on your site, you may find that your business is falling behind its competition. You'll want to make sure that you can keep up with them by bringing out new products or services in both an online and offline capacity.

Compromising on customer service :

You should never compromise on your customer service, especially if you own an online business. This is one of the main reasons people like to do business with you-don't be afraid to give them what they expect! Make sure that all of your customers are satisfied by hiring more employees or outsourcing the work to another company if you're too busy.

Hiring the cheapest website maintenance service:

If your business is growing, then it's natural to want to save as much money as possible. However, this isn't always the smartest option when it comes to choosing a business partner for website upkeep. Make sure that you're not paying more than needed for the quality of service you'll receive. You can easily find a great company with fair prices by doing some research online or asking referrals from other business owners.

Don't be afraid to ask for references and learn as much as possible about your website maintenance options before making any final decisions. It may even make sense to spend some time considering what changes you can make to your business if you're not satisfied with your website's upkeep. However, there are many different reasons to consider all of your options before making any decisions.


The most important thing to remember when it comes to website maintenance is that you're not just paying for the upkeep of your site. You're also investing in keeping up with your competition, which can be a costly endeavor if you don't know what steps are needed. Of course, this is one area where our team of experts excels-we work hard every day at gathering intelligence on how other businesses are doing so we can stay ahead of them and provide unparalleled service. With all these things in mind, it's easy to see why choosing the best plan for your business could make or break its success!